Sarm Stacking 101: How to Build the Ultimate Sarm Cycle for Your Gains, Your Health, and Your Performance

Research Compound

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Sarm Stacking 101
Sarm Stacking 101

In this article you will learn about Sarm Stacking 101

  • Why properly sarm stacking is so important for your cycle
  • What Are the Best Ways to Stack Sarms and Research Chems
  • What Are the Least Optimal Ways to Stack Sarms
  • Some Sample Sarm Cycles for Amazing Gains and Synergy

Why Sarm stacking In Sarm Cycles is So Important

In the world of Sarms and Research chemicals there are often many questions regarding what is the best way to stack them?

When scrolling through research chem websites it can become overwhelming seeing things like enclomiphene, yk11, RAD-140, and other chemicals shrouded by their vague names. 

In this section let’s go into some of the biggest reasons why building proper sarm cycles is so important. 

  1. Hormone Balance

When on a sarm cycle your hormones will be compromised.  One of the common side effects of sarms is low estrogen. 

 Many think of estrogen as being just a female hormone, but the reality is that it is essential for muscle growth, weight loss, heart health, and your overall well being.  

Many of the side effects of the cycle can be attributed to low estrogen which is why it is crucial to stack your sarm with something like Enclomiphene which can help to keep your hormones properly balanced. 

  1. Enhanced Muscle Building

By building proper cycles that use different pathways to build muscle you can build even more muscle mass faster.

Things like the growth hormone pathway, the estrogen pathway, and the myostatin pathway are all powerful ways to help compliment the muscle building process that come from sarms.

  1. Healthier Cycles

By building sarm cycles that are properly stacked together you actually can make your cycle healthier.  

Instead of stacking a bunch of compounds randomly and injuring yourself you can build out cycles that are safer and more optimal for your health and well being. 

Not only internally will your blood work look better, but you will be less likely to run into sides like hair loss and acne. 

  1. Better Fat Loss

Just like how properly sarm stacking can improve muscle building, properly stacking sarms can also help to speed up and optimize the fat loss process.

Know more about BPC-157 and TB-500 Stack

How Can We Best Stack Sarms and Research Chemicals?

There are many ways to really optimize our cycle through some amazing stacking strategies. Here are a few of my favorite

  1. Sarm+Enclomiphene

This is one of my favorite combos.  It should be mentioned that if you are already on TRT or using another test base like HCG or 4 andro then Enclomiphene will not be necessary. 

Enclomiphene is one of the most powerful things you can stack with a sarm, because it helps to counteract the suppression of your testosterone that comes from using a sarm. 

This suppression can lead to countless side effects, mental, physical, and even damage your health.

Without a proper test base like enclomiphene you will see less gains, more side effects, and worse blood markers. 

  1. Sarm+Yk-11

This one may be confusing as Yk-11 is a sarm itself.  It also has a steroidal structure, which means it could be considered part steroid and part sarm.  

So how does Yk-11 best stack with a sarm?

Well it stacks so well because of its ability to lower something known as myostatin. 

Myostatin is a protein that acts as the body’s rate limiting step in building muscle.  Meaning it is the body’s way of stopping us from building too much muscle.

Yk-11 is able to lower this protein meaning it unlocks a unique pathway for growth and building muscle that is especially synergistic with a Sarm. 

  1. Sarm+GH Peptide

GH peptides are another fantastic tool that can be stacked with sarms to unlock insane fat loss and muscle building. 

GH peptides help to increase hyperplasia which is the creation of new muscle cells, and GH peptides help to increase a process in the body known as lipolysis. 

Typically when we talk about muscles we talk about hypertrophy which is the growth of existing muscle cells, but GH peptides are able to help create new muscle cells altogether through a process known as hyperplasia. 

Lipolysis is a key process in the body’s ability to burn fat.

GH peptides also do not come with the typical side effects of sarms like high lipids, hair loss, and acne allowing for more gains, but without an increase in certain side effects that are common during sarm cycles. 

  1. Sarm+Cardarine

The sarm plus cardarine stack is a great one for summer 

One of the members from our facebook group recently asked if this is a good stack for gaining muscle and helping with endurance.  

The short answer is yes!

Cardarine stacks super well with sarms and helps give you endurance abilities that you probably never realized you were even capable of. 

The muscle building power of the sarm + the endurance boosting and fat loss power of cardarine provides a synergy to give you the summer body you have longed for!

Common Mistakes with Sarm Stacking

Now let’s get into some kee mistakes with sarm stacking that can be detrimental for your sarm cycle.

  1. Stacking Two Powerful Sarms Together

Oftentimes you see people will try and stack the most powerful sarms together, but this is not a strategy that should be done.

While you will in the short term have great results, you will end up severely hurting yourself or burning yourself out before the cycle is even over. 

You could get similar results with less side effects and less stress on your health by stacking something like a sarm with a GH peptide. 

  1. Not Stacking Your Sarm with Anything

Another common issue I see is people running the sarm cycle without anything stacked with it.  

While you do not need something like a GH peptide or cardarine you should always make sure to run your sarm cycle with a test base like enclomiphene to maintain proper hormone balance.

Sample Sarm Stacks for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

Here are a few great stacks you can gain inspiration from for stacking your sarms

Fat Loss Beginner Stack

  • Ostarine
  • Cardarine
  • Enclomiphene

Bulking Intermediate Stack

  • LGD-4033
  • Mk-677
  • Enclomiphene

Advanced Fat Loss Stack

  • S23
  • Cardarine
  • Ipamorelin
  • Enclomiphene

Advanced Bulking Stack

  • Rad-140
  • Yk-11
  • Enclomiphene
  • Mk-677
  • CJC-1295

My Personal Favorite Sarm Stacks

While I have stacked nearly every single sarm in the book here are a few of my favorites.


I also thoroughly enjoyed this stack as it allowed me to have some great endurance and fat loss.  

The pumps were great, mentally I had tons of energy, and I felt like I could literally lift forever while on this stack. 

I also burned fat like there was no tomorrow and felt like even if I was on or off diet I was burning tons of fat. 

For the summer this one is golden. 


This one was super fun because of how I got the fullness of Mk677 combined with the hardness from S23 giving me some insanely freaky pumps in the gym.  

The strength increase from it was also nuts, and despite S23 typically causing me joint issues the mk677s healing ability really helped to mitigate them. 

This was a stack I will definitely be running again. 


It goes without saying that by properly sarm stacking and properly building cycles you can make more gains, with less side effects, and better manipulate the cycle to best optimize your goals.

So please the next time you see someone online telling you to stack the 3 strongest sarms together, ignore it and come read our article for some advice on proper sarm stacking. 

Your liver, kidneys and heart will thank you!

Works Cited

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