How to PCT with Enclomiphene for Your Next Sarm Cycle: The Ultimate Guide! (Dosing, Side Effects, Benefits, and More!)

Research Compound

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PCT with Enclomiphene

In this article we will discuss….

  • What is Enclomiphene 
  • Why you must PCT after your Sarm Cycle
  • When to start your PCT with Enclomiphene
  • Side Effects of Enclomiphene
  • What Could be Stacked with Enclomiphene

And more!

What is a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT is a period after a sarm cycle where the user balances their hormones and other health markets to get back to a normal healthy range. 

Oftentimes the main hormones that need to be addressed and balanced are testosterone and estrogen. 

The typical way to do this is through introducing a SERM or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. 

This tricks the body into creating a negative feedback loop and raising testosterone. 

Low hormone levels can contribute to things like poor health, loss of muscle mass, sexual dysfunction, and a whole host of other side effects and symptoms so a proper PCT is essential.  

One of the best options for PCT has become the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM)  Enclomiphene which is in a way the king of serms due to its effectiveness and low side effect profile.

What is Enclomiphene?

Enclomiphene is what is known as a SERM. A selective estrogen receptor modulator.  

Some estrogen receptors are more favorable for targeting then others in the world of therapy and the goal of SERMs is to be selective for these more favorable targets. 

Before Enclomiphene there was a popular medication called clomiphene or clomid.

Clomid was notorious for causing tons of emotional side effects like anxiety and depression, even leading some users to commit suicide while using the compound. 

Clomid also caused ocular visions and had the potential to disrupt vision in the short and long term. 

The clomid molecule is made up of two isomers Zuclomiphene which is highly estrogenic and can have negative effects on mood and hormones, and Enclomiphene which is responsible for raising testosterone and the desired therapeutic effects. 

Of course by isolating the isomer you could have the better effects without the typical side effects associated with clomiphene.  

Enclomiphene has been shown to be more effective and have less side effects than standard clomid. 

How and When to PCT with Enclomiphene

There are many different ways and strategies on how to properly using Enclomiphene for a pct.  

This is as you can see above is an extremely common question that is asked in facebook groups and online communities regarding sarms. 

The first thing that must be taken into account is a drug’s half life.  A half life refers to how long a drug stays in your body for after you take.  So something like RAD may have a longer half life and take longer to leave your system. 

The issue with this is that when you use something like RAD it may stay in your system and be suppressing you when trying to start your PCT.  This is why you have to find the half life of the durg and then wait 5 half lives to begin your PCT. 

Enclomiphene can also be used as a test base during your cycle which means it helps to support your hormones on cycle. 

When you use Enclomiphene during your sarm cycle it will help to make the PCT process much easier vs when you only add it in after. 

This is why I always recommend using Enclomiphene as a testosterone base to help make the PCT process easier and smoother.

When dosing Enclomiphene the dose ranges from 6.25mg to 12.5mg.  The higher the dose the more risk of side effects like estrogen based issues.  Although this higher dose will provide more benefits in terms of testosterone boosting. 

My perfect Enclomiphen dosing protocol would be to add it into week 3 or 4 or sarm cycle. 

This is when your hormones start to fluctuate. 

I would start it at 6.25mg everyday then raise it to 12.5mg after 3 weeks.  

I would continue this until the cycle ends.

After the cycle stay on Enclomiphene for 4 weeks and make sure the final two weeks to taper the dosage down to 6.25mg or even lower if possible to help mitigate risk of estrogen rebound.

Estrogen rebound refers to the temporary spike in estrogen levels upon discontinuation of the usage of a serm. 

What Compounds Pair Best with Enclomiphene?

Enclomiphene is more than strong enough to be used as a powerful testosterone booster in a pct. 

You can also pair another SERM like tamoxifen with it to help boost the power of the two combined together.

Another way you can help to optimize your PCT is by adding in herbs and vitamins that are notorious for boosting testosterone. Things like….

  • Tongkat Ali
  • Vitamin D
  • Boron
  • Fadogia
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium

Are all crucial for helping to ensure optimal testosterone levels and can pair really with something like Enclomiphene. 

PCT is also a time where you can risk losing muscle mass, so by adding something like CJC-1295 to your PCT can help keep you anabolic during a phase that typically may be more catabolic. 

NOTE* things like Mk677 that use the gherlin pathway can actually negatively impact the leydig cells and be counterproductive in the PCT process.  Instead use things like CJC which work through the Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Pathway.  

Enclomiphene Side Effects?

Enclomiphene can come with a few side effects that are fairly manageable. 

While a much better option than clomid it still has not been noted yet if the ocular visions are still of concern.  Make sure if any occur to cease usage and speak to your doctor immediately. 

Just like the ocular issues while Enclomiphene is much better when it comes to mood based issues then clomid but it still can cause these.  It is important to note that if you have any mood based issues on Enclomiphene it is more then likely because of the drug and to try and keep a stable mood through things like meditation. 

Enclomiphene can also potentially cause high estrogen and thus lead to having high estrogen symptoms like breast sensitivity, acne, and bloating. 


In conclusion Enclomiphene is one of the most powerful options we have when it comes to SERMs and the PCT process.

Doing a proper PCT is essential for your physical health, gains, and mental health.  Many people have faced some nasty side effects from not doing a proper PCT.  

If you are beginning your sarm cycle it is essential to fully grasp how to use Enclomiphene as it is a cornerstone of the PCT process. 


Studies Referenced

  1. Rodriguez KM, Pastuszak AW, Lipshultz LI. Enclomiphene citrate for the treatment of secondary male hypogonadism. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2016 Aug;17(11):1561-7. doi: 10.1080/14656566.2016.1204294. Epub 2016 Jul 4. PMID: 27337642; PMCID: PMC5009465.
  2. Thomas J, Suarez Arbelaez MC, Narasimman M, Weber AR, Blachman-Braun R, White JT, Ledesma B, Ghomeshi A, Jara-Palacios MA, Ramasamy R. Efficacy of Clomiphene Citrate Versus Enclomiphene Citrate for Male Infertility Treatment: A Retrospective Study. Cureus. 2023 Jul 6;15(7):e41476. doi: 10.7759/cureus.41476. PMID: 37546076; PMCID: PMC10404117.
  3. Siedentopf F, Horstkamp B, Stief G, Kentenich H. Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause of a psychotic reaction during infertility treatment. Hum Reprod. 1997 Apr;12(4):706-7. doi: 10.1093/humrep/12.4.706. PMID: 9159429.
  4. Hill S, Arutchelvam V, Quinton R. Enclomiphene, an estrogen receptor antagonist for the treatment of testosterone deficiency in men. IDrugs. 2009 Feb;12(2):109-19. PMID: 19204885.

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