MK-677: Beginner’s Crash Course

Research Compound

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MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren, is a growth hormone secretagogue and ghrelin receptor agonist compound.

This potent, groundbreaking compound is often the go-to performance enhancer by fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders because it’s safer than traditional steroids and selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs).

In this article, we’ll go over how MK-766 works in your body, what are the health benefits (and side effects) that come with it, and see if it’s worth using over other compounds out there.

How it works

MK-677’s begin by ingesting it through a capsule. The beauty about this compound is that it’s orally bioavailable– meaning, your body can effectively absorb it after ingestion, something that many GH secretagogues lack for now.

So, what happens after you ingest it?

Let’s backtrack to MK-677’s growth hormone secretagogue and ghrelin receptor agonist properties. If you’re not familiar with these terms and they work together, we’ll break them down to make it easier to understand:

  • Ghrelin is a hormone produced in your stomach that stimulates appetite, receptors are proteins in your cell that receive “signals”, and an agonist is a molecule that binds to and mimics the ghrelin’s actions – acting as a “password” for your receptor.

When combined, a “ghrelin receptor agonist” means it’s a substance/compound that makes you feel hungrier by activating the receptors that respond to ghrelin.

HGH is associated with many different things, but it’s commonly known to the fitness and longevity space to have a “healing effect.”

In short, MK-766 increases your HGH and IGF-1 levels – this helps us develop our height, bones, and muscles but also makes you hungry as a side effect.

MK 677 Health Benefits

Muscle Gain

What makes MK-677 popular in many spaces is that this compound can stimulate more HGH secretions from the pituitary gland without increasing cortisol levels, leading to an increase in muscle mass and strength, maintaining lean body mass, and accelerating fat burn. 

Plus, its oral bioavailability means you can easily ingest it once a day.

To accurately know if MK-677 truly suggests these positive effects, let’s take a stab at several studies:

  • A placebo-controlled study conducted in 1998, involving 24 obese males, concluded that orally ingesting a 25 mg dose of MK-677 daily for two months can result in increased fat-free mass (FFM) by boosting the basal metabolic rate (BMR) – the amount of energy your body needs to maintain vital functions while at rest.
  • For individuals currently facing mobility issues, a 2011 study involving 123 elderly patients with hip fractures who ingested a 25 mg dose of MK-677 daily over a 24-week period showed improvements in gait speed and stair climbing power – suggesting that MK-677 aids in enhancing physical function.

Bone Density

Since MK-677 boosts your HGH secretion alongside improving IGF-1 release, they can play a crucial role in improving your physiology – particularly improving your bone health.

Both HGH and IGF-1 hormones improve your bone health by stimulating the cells responsible for bone formation, creating new bone tissue while reducing the risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and other bone disorders – leading to an overall higher bone strength and density.

According to a 1998 placebo-controlled study, 24 obese males with a BMI greater than 30kg/m2 were subjected to a 25 mg dose of MK-677 a day for 8 weeks, resulting in increased bone mass by improving bone turnover.

In another placebo-controlled study published in 1998, 187 elderly participants who ingested a 10 mg or 25 mg MK-677 daily dose for over 2 weeks showed improved bone building by stimulating osteoblasts – our bone-building cells – and improving bone turnover.


HGH is an important part of prolonging our physiology. For one, HGH secretions regulate the fat, muscle, tissue, and bone in our bodies. HGH also regulates our insulin action and blood sugar levels.

As an example, HGH levels increase during childhood years and plateau around puberty to promote bone and cartilage growth. However, HGH levels naturally decline – beginning during your early adult years.

This phenomenon is often referred to as the “somatopause” and is the primary effect of aging. Somatopause may include various outcomes such as decreased muscle mass, strength, brittler bones, increased fat, lower energy, and a dampened immune system.

Luckily, MK-677 does have some anti-aging properties. According to a randomized controlled trial published in 2009, 

The MK-677 preserved the muscle mass and increased bone density of 65 elderly men and women who took the pill daily for over a year. The only reported side effects were an increased appetite, mild edema and muscle pain.

Sleep Quality

HGH is directly linked to sleep quality since it regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Since MK-677 boosts your HGH and IGF-1 levels, taking these can lead to better sleep patterns at night. 

How is this important? The older we get, it can get harder and harder to get some meaningful sleep. Not getting enough sleep can lead to several chronic problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cognitive issues, to name a few.

Luckily, MK-766 can help increase stage 4 sleep, also known as REM sleep. According to Sleep Foundation, not getting enough time for REM sleep impacts your concentration, and eating habits, as well as turns up your “crankiness.”

According to numerous clinical trials, enhanced HGH levels help improve muscle recovery and sleep quality by increasing your time spent in slow wave sleep (SWS) – in other terms, deep, restorative sleep.

In another clinical trial done in 1997, 12 participants (8 young and 6 elderly subjects) underwent MK-677 treatment for 2 weeks revealed that the compound improved their sleep quality by increasing their REM sleep duration by nearly 50%.

Hearth Health

Beyond improving muscle mass and sleep quality, emerging research suggests that MK-677 can help reduce the risk of getting heart disease as well as lower the mortality rate for individuals suffering from this condition.

Let’s take a look at these studies:

  • According to a 2002 study, increasing your ghrelin levels can prevent apoptosis (programmed cell death) of the body’s cardiomyocytes (heart cells) – which MK-677 does a good job of promoting.
  • In another study published in 1999, ingesting 25-mg MK-677 doses daily for 8 weeks improved heart health by reducing the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in 24 obese males.

Things to Consider

When dosed properly, MK-677 doesn’t have many downsides apart from making you really hungry. However, there are still some possible side effects to look out for.

Unnaturally high HGH levels over extended periods (due to improper dosage) can manifest some possible side effects:

  • Joint paint (if you had previous medical conditions or elevated hormone levels)
  • Increased prolactin levels for pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • Lethargy
  • Insulin resistance

Additionally, individuals who have compromised insulin sensitivity (i.e. diabetics) may be at risk. With this in mind, we recommend avoiding ingesting MK-677 since it can deteriorate glucose tolerance.

Take this question posted in a Facebook Group I’m in for example. Since the ghrelin signals your brain that you’re hungry and you need to eat, cravings will inevitably pop up.

The thing is, MK-677 already raises your blood sugar levels, so if you have poor insulin resistance, your pancreas might release too much insulin in response. This might result in hypoglycemia.

So, Joe – the best way to avoid sweet cravings is to take it at night. This way, your body won’t have the urge to eat everything on sight while avoiding potentially stronger cravings during the day. You can do it, brother! ✊

Verdict: Is It Worth Using MK-677?

While MK-677 is widely known as something you take to muscle mass, its benefits also extend to enhancing your longevity, better heart health, and improved sleep quality without any substantial side effects.

So, should you get MK-677 for your research? Absolutely.

If you’re someone who wants to get into peptides and you’re in the market for a good starter compound, this is the one.

Why? For one, you can orally ingest it with little to no worries compared to other ones where you need to inject it. Two, there are so many research-backed benefits compared to its minimal side effects.

frequently asked quentions

Is MK 677 safe? – Numerous research like this 1998 study and this 2009 controlled trial have concluded that MK-677 is generally safe for ingestion. However, certain individuals (i.e. diabetics or have poor insulin resistance) may experience some side effects when taking the compound.

Is MK 677 a SARM? – No, MK-677 is not a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), but it isn’t a peptide either – it’s classified as a growth hormone secretagogue. SARMs help build muscle but at the same time hurt muscle growth since they naturally lower your testosterone levels. However, this compound is taken alongside SARMs since they mitigate each other’s side effects.

Is MK 677 a steroid? – No, MK-677 isn’t a steroid; it’s a growth hormone secretagogue. In simple terms, it’s a better alternative to steroids as it promotes muscle growth and improves bone density without suppressing natural hormone production.

Are MK 677 gains permanent? – Technically, yes – as long as you keep working out. Even when you cycle out MK-677 every 6 weeks (which you should, so your body doesn’t get used to it), your gains will still be there. This compound helps you build and maintain your muscle, but if you don’t put in the effort to maintain it in the first place, your gains will be temporary. For example, you’re bound to lose your physique if you slack off and sit around all day.

Can MK 677 make you taller? – As an adult, no – MK-677 can’t make you grow taller.  While this compound increases your HGH levels (the hormone responsible for growth-related physiological processes), it can only help you maintain body composition once your growth plates fuse.

Where to buy MK 677? – There were plenty of stores around, but looking at several Facebook groups I’m in led me to buy at Triggered Brand. Pretty normal store, but the $150 free shipping caught my eye so I bought the MK-677 & BPC-157 bundle. Total was around $155 and surprisingly paid through Zelle, of all things. They also threw in some BAC water and alcohol wipes for free. I didn’t really need it for the MK-677, but it’s a pretty sweet freebie for the BPC-157.

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