Injectable vs Oral Sarms: Do Injectable Sarms Have a Place In the Research Chem Space?

Research Compound

Injectable vs Oral Sarms
Injectable vs Oral Sarms


In this article, we will dive into the realm of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), exploring the intriguing debate surrounding their administration methods: Injectable vs Oral Sarms

  • What are oral Sarms?
  • The benefits of Oral Sarms?
  • How Oral Sarms Compare to Gear
  • What Are Injectable Sarms
  • How Do They Compare to Oral Sarms?


If you are familiar with the world of sarms then you probably know all about the oral versions about these compounds. Things like Ostarine, RAD, LGD, etc. 

They all have been shown to have amazing effects within the research and have been shown to do some great things.  But what about the injectable forms of these compounds? The information on these is much less known.  

In this article I hope to dive into what injectable sarms are, how they compare to oral sarms, and if they have a place within the research space. 

What are Sarms?

Sarms are selective androgen receptor modulators.  Designed as compounds to help give the benefits of certain steroids, but without the androgenic side effects so that they can be used by women and children. 

Certain conditions like muscle wasting disease require the usage of steroids, but if it is a woman or small child who has the disease then their body will be able to tolerate the androgenic side effects less well. 

Androgenic side effects include things like deepening of the voice, increase in body hair, increase in acne, and other masculinizing side effects which are not desirable for the women and children populations. 

To help bridge this gap pharmaceutical companies developed sarms which are androgens that are more selective for muscle tissue and allow for the benefits like preventing muscle wasting without the androgenic side effects

Oral Sarms vs Typical Steroids

Sarms also have gained interest within enhanced bodybuilding circles.  Enhanced bodybuilding refers to bodybuilding with the help of certain compounds typically anabolic androgenic steroids. 

Sarms have opened the door to give bodybuilders a way to build muscle faster, without having to use standard anabolic androgenic steroids which come with tons of side effects. 

One of the benefits of oral sarms is that they offer the ability to build muscle quickly, but without the many side effects that come with typical steroids such as hair loss, aggression, acne, and more. 

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids not only cause cosmetic side effects, but can also cause internal health issues such as prostate issues, increased blood pressure, liver stress, and various other organ stress.  

Sarms on the other hand seem to be much easier on the body’s organs and internal systems than typical androgenic steroids. 

Due to the selectivity of sarms you can speed up the muscle building process without having to deal with all the side effects of steroids.

It is extremely important to note that sarms still do have some side effects, and need more research to establish their full side effect profile. 

The other benefit that sarms give is that they can be taken orally and not injected like typical steroids. So why would someone even consider an injectable vs oral sarms?  

Let’s explore it in the next section. 

What are Injectable Sarms?

Injectable Sarms are a bit of a dark horse in the world of Sarms.  Some people do not even know what they are or that they exist. 

Injectable Sarms are just as they sound, they are the same sarms that gained popularity that can be used orally in an injectable format.  

When you make the sarm injectable it changes the compound entirely and can unlock the true power of the Sarm, but at a cost. 

When you inject a sarm vs take it orally the sarm becomes even more powerful.  When a compound is injected the body is able to absorb more of it and use more of it.  

When we take something orally our liver and other organs tend to filter it out which can lead to a lower bioavailability and less of a chance for our body to absorb it.

Many researchers have noted that when a sarm is injected it becomes much more powerful then its oral counterpart, but at the cost of it also bringing more side effects.

Some injectable sarms like injectable LGD-4033 and Yk-11 have even been compared to powerful steroids in terms of strength and effects. 

What’s the Difference Between Injectable vs Oral Sarms?

Typically oral sarms are weaker when it comes to building muscle and losing weight then injectable sarms.

But when it comes to side effects oral sarms are much cleaner meaning your risk of getting side effects is still lower.

Sometimes injecting the sarm also changes how the sarm works.  For example with LGD-4033 when taken orally it tends to cause the user to gain water weight and fill out, but when injected LGD-4033 will actually make the user dryer and harder.

Who Should Consider Researching with Injectable Sarms?

You may have gotten to this point of the article and are now considering if injectable sarms are right for you or not.

I would say only use injectable sarms if you have significant experience in the world of sarms and PEds. 

While these compounds are still sarms they are extremely powerful and advanced and should only be used by advanced researchers due to their lack of research and higher side effect profile then oral sarms. 

I would also recommend only using these if you have a test base of testosterone under you. 

Injectable Sarms FAQ

Q: Do Injectable Sarms have more side effects than oral?

A: Yes they tend to carry more side effects.

Q: What injectable sarms are best

A: Typically sarms like Yk-11 and LGD-4033 have received the most praise from members in the research community

Q: What injectable sarms are the worst?

A: Many researchers are not fans of injectable ostarine as they side it was very side effect ridden with little benefits. 

Q: Do I need to PCT after injectable sarms?

A: Yes as they are super suppressive even more suppressive then oral sarms

What Are Other People Experience with Injectable Sarms?

All user experiences are pulled anonymously from reddit* 

My Experience with Injectable Sarms 

I have used many injectable sarms and can honestly say I am always impressed with their power.  They do, though come with more side effects than the standard ones.

 Here are my experiences with the three I have tried: RAD-140, LGD-4033, and Yk-11.

LGD-4033 Injectable Experience 

LGD-4033 injectable was very powerful. What was interesting was that it behaved as a very dry compound meaning I was harder, more vascular, and more shredded on it.  

Which compared to the oral version is totally different and makes you more bloated and fuller.

My strength and recovery went way up on this as well.  It definitely was stronger then its oral counterpart and to be totally honest I did not notice any increase in side effects.

RAD-140 Injectable Experience

RAD-140 injectable was pretty similar to the oral version, just much stronger.  It also came with more aggression, more hairloss, and more side effects than the oral version. 

I did enjoy it but having to pin it, and the increase in side effects were not worth the increase in strength and the increase in muscle mass. 

Yk-11 Injectable Experience

This one was pretty insane.  The side effects were similar to the  oral version in terms of joint pain and hair loss, but not too much worse.

This thing was absolutely insane.  The strength, power, and pumps were unreal. It is by far one of the most powerful compounds I have tried and even when compared to real gear its strength is insane.

In my opinion injecting YK-11 really unlocks its full power.

I definitely think it is worth trying for any advanced research chem user. 

Read also about Sarm Stacking 101


In conclusion, injectable sarms remain a dark horse in the sarm and research space.

While they do carry a lot of power and potential, their side effect profile, and lack of research makes them really only applicable for the most advanced of researchers.  

For researchers who are just getting into the world of sarms, oral sarms will work just fine for your needs and goals. 

Studies Referenced

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  5. Cardaci TD, Machek SB, Wilburn DT, Heileson JL, Harris DR, Cintineo HP, Willoughby DS. LGD-4033 and MK-677 use impacts body composition, circulating biomarkers, and skeletal muscle androgenic hormone and receptor content: A case report. Exp Physiol. 2022 Dec;107(12):1467-1476. doi: 10.1113/EP090741. Epub 2022 Nov 16. PMID: 36303408.

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