AOD 9604: Effective in Muscle Building and Fat Loss?

Research Compound

Weight loss can be a very physically and mentally demanding experience. Not only is it really hard to stick to a strict diet and exercise regimen, but prolonged obesity may lead to serious conditions such as diabetes or heart disease down the line.

However, there are weight loss medications out there that are proven to be effective, but some of these may have adverse side effects such as nausea or screwing up your blood sugar levels.

Thankfully, there exists an FDA-approved research medication specifically developed to fight obesity without all the nasty side effects – AOD 9604.

What’s AOD 9604?

AOD 9604, or Anti-Obesity Drug 9604, was originally developed as a weight loss drug by Frank Ng, a professor at Monash University in Australia. It was derived by taking a specific section of an HGH fragment for research purposes.

However, this particular fragment wasn’t stable and didn’t have a long half-life, making it unsuitable for research. To remedy this, researchers took the  C-terminus (the end) of the HGH molecule, altered the amino acid sequence, and/or added protective groups to extend its half-life – thus, AOD 9604 was created.

What’s remarkable about this particular peptide is that it has fat-burning qualities without the undesirable effects found in most weight-loss drugs like Semaglutide. 

As you know, Semaglutide (in high doses) may cause your skin to sag due to rapid weight loss. This is most commonly known as “Ozempic Face” and “Ozempic Butt.”

AOD 9604 however, can do the same thing (although weaker), sidestep those side effects while having a strong synergistic effect on most HGH-inducing peptides.

How AOD 9604 Works

AOD 9604 is a modified fragment of the human growth hormone (HGH), specifically amino acids 176-191. 

This particular chain stimulates the pituitary gland to mimic the body’s natural fat-burning processes, burning body fat without increasing appetite or blood sugar levels.

Based on available clinical studies (that we’ll mention below), AOD 9604 has been proven to regulate metabolism, which can lead to fat loss due to two processes:

  • Stimulates lipolysis – Lipolysis means breaking down fat cells like triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids to use the byproduct as an energy source.
  • Inhibits lipogenesis – Lipogenesis is a metabolic process that forms fat from extra energy (even from nonfat foods). Slowing down this process decreases the rate at which triglycerides form in your body.

These two processes have a synergistic effect on each other, resulting in weight loss and less overall body fat without any adverse side effects. AOD 9604 targets abnormally high levels of fat deposits, particularly in the abdominal area, and may have a stronger effect when combined with a lower-calorie diet and exercise routine.

Additionally, as AOD 9604 is an HGH fragment, it can have a small healing effect and may influence bone and cartilage repair. It can also enhance any compounds that may contain HGH like BPC 157, Tirzepatide, or Sermorelin.

Benefits of AOD 9604

Fat Reduction

Based on available studies, AOD 9604 has been remarkable in weight management programs as it promotes fat cell breakdown while preserving lean muscle mass due to HGH.

According to animal studies done on obese Zucker rats and mice for 19 days, AOD 9604 stimulated lipolytic activity in the adipose tissues, reducing body weight without adversely affecting insulin sensitivity. 

In another animal study investigating the effects of AOD-9604 in obese mice, the researchers found that the peptide helped increase lipolytic sensitivity – enhancing the utilization of stored fat as an energy source

In human clinical trials, a 2013 study highlighted that AOD 9604 reduced body fat in mid-abdominal areas in overweight and obese individuals.

In the 12-week randomized clinical trial, subjects undergoing AOD-9604 (1 mg/ day) lost an average of 2.6 kg (5.73 lb), compared to 0.8 kg (1.76 lb) in the placebo group.

That said, if a researcher wanted to stack AOD 9604 to optimize weight loss gains, they would stack an HGH-inducing compound and use either semaglutide OR liraglutide.

Improved Metabolic Health

Aside from helping with weight loss, another major benefit AOD 9604 brings to the table is improving metabolic health by managing insulin resistance, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.

In particular, AOD 9604 can help not only overweight and obese individuals but also those with type-2 diabetes mellitus. How so, when HGH increases IGF-1 which is known to cause significant insulin resistance? 

While derived from HGH, AOD 9604 works independently and does not use the same “pathway” IGF-1 uses which causes this phenomenon – targeting high levels of fat deposits instead.

In a 2013 study determining the safety and tolerability of AOD 9604 in both animal and human clinical trials, the researchers discovered that the peptide had no effect on blood glucose levels, indicating that it does not induce hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) or negatively impact insulin sensitivity.

In the human trial segment, 300 healthy participants with a BMI of ≥ 35 kg/m(2) were involved. They underwent a two-week single-blind placebo run-in period, during which they were unaware (but researchers knew) whether they were receiving placebo or AOD 9604. 

Following this, participants received either placebo or AOD 9604 daily for an additional 12 weeks. After this period, the researchers found that the group receiving AOD 9604 were less likely to develop diabetes than the placebo group.

In simpler terms: 300 healthy obese participants took either a placebo or AOD 9604 unknowingly for two weeks to prevent bias. After that, researchers openly administered either treatment for 12 more weeks.

Improve Bone Health

As AOD 9604 is still an HGH fragment, it isn’t limited to its fat-loss properties; it can also be used in treating bone-related conditions such as osteoarthritis (OA).

According to a 2015 study investigating the effects of AOD 9604 via intra-articular (joint) injections in collagenase-induced knee osteoarthritis (OA) rabbits, the researchers discovered that AOD 9604 enhanced cartilage regeneration.

It was even more effective when combined with Hyaluronic Acid (a lubricating substance naturally found in our joints), than used alone.

Is it Safe to Use?

Based on its previous Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status, AOD 9604 is safe for its intended use and has no known associated health risks, especially when compared to conventional hormone-based weight loss treatments. 

However, AOD 9604 has been recently moved to FDA’s Category 2 list. This means it is not subject to premarket approvals, but still regarded as safe for its intended use in treatments.

Note: We’ll update this article section to reflect any changes.

Side Effects 

While AOD 9604 is generally safe and an even better alternative to conventional hormone-based weight loss treatments, it does have some very minor side effects when taken at an improper dosage.

Common side effects may include:

  • pain, reddening, swelling, and/or minor discomfort near the injection site (also known as post-injection pain or PIP)
  • Upset stomachs
  • Headaches

That’s about it. This is why researchers love AOD 9604 – it’s a possibly safer and more sustainable way to achieve weight loss while keeping a bit of lean muscle mass.

Administration and Results

AOD 9604 has two main administration methods:

When it comes to a standard AOD 9604 treatment plan, there are two administration options:

  • Orally – AOD 9604 can be taken orally through “troche”, or throat lozenges.
  • Subcutaneously – AOD 9604 can be injected directly through the skin, in either one or multiple injections daily. Most researchers opt to inject AOD 9604 about 30-60 minutes before eating to fully allow the peptide to metabolize and work.

Some researchers also inject it nasally. Once reconstituted and prepared through an insulin needle, some researchers break the needle off and apply it directly through their nose.

Researchers will feel the results of AOD 9604 usually within 12 weeks. However, results may vary depending on the subject’s age, biological individuality, family history, underlying conditions, and concurrent weight loss plan.

If your subjects don’t feel any noticeable gains, we recommend consulting with your doctor as a blood sample will be the surefire way to check its effectivity.

Storage and Reconstitution

“How do you reconstitute AOD 9604”?

This is a common question we notice among new researchers. For recommended dosages, there is no general dosage chart or any of the like. 

It will ultimately depend on the researcher’s intended effect, the subject’s response to the compound, and the advice of a qualified medical professional.

If you’re looking for generally safe dosages, you can either take it based on the dosages of researchers we found online:

  • A once-daily 300 mcg dose administered via subcutaneous injection OR 
  • A 250 mcg dose administered via subcutaneous injection twice a day

We’ll use to visualize a 1 ml insulin syringe reconstituting a 5 mg vial of AOD 9604.

Note: If you aren’t familiar with reconstituting peptides, we suggest you take a look at our in-depth guide. It contains helpful information regarding peptide reconstitution all the way from the measurement, symbols, to what kind of liquid to use.

Note: Each mark in this syringe represents 2 units (or .02 mL)

For once-daily 300 mcg injections, you can add about 1-5 ml bacteriostatic water, but we’ll only add in 1 ml to pull the syringe to 6 units for clarity.

To optimize results, we recommend researchers administer it in the morning an hour before your subject’s first meal.

Note: Each mark in this syringe represents 2 units (or .02 mL)

For twice-daily 250 mcg injections, the BAC water you can add is totally up to your preference, but we’ll only add in 2 ml and pull the syringe to 10 units for visual clarity.

As mentioned above, researchers can administer it in the morning an hour before the subject’s first meal AND once again 1-4 hours before their last meal.


For unopened AOD 9604 peptide vials, it’s generally safe to store it at 4°C or 39.2°F for a few days.

However, once the vial is open, you have to keep it around 2-8°C (or 35.6-46.4°F) in the fridge at all times. This should last you around 2-8 weeks before the peptide goes bad or until the manufacturer’s “best-by” date.

Verdict: Should You Use AOD 9604?

If you want to improve fat loss efforts while increasing lean muscle mass without any adverse side effects hormone-based weight loss treatments may bring, AOD 9604 can be your best friend. 

Not only does it have a GRAS status granted by the FDA, but it can also have a synergistic effect when stacked with other peptides for research.

However, before you use AOD 9604, we highly recommend discussing this with your physician first regarding your health status and any supplements you are currently taking to determine if it’s a suitable peptide for your research.


How to get AOD 9604?

You will need a doctor’s prescription to get AOD 9604 for sale, which you can usually obtain from medical websites or peptide research companies.

You may also need to look for companies that offer fast shipping and guarantee returns/refunds for defective products (such as Royal Research) as some AOD 9604 vials may have flaking issues. Flaking is a sign of degradation or contamination during transport.

As for the AOD9604 peptide cost, Royal Research’s 5mg vial comes at $69.99 and includes free alcohol wipes and BAC water, which is a steal in our books.

Note: We also joined their affiliate program so you guys get an awesome discount. You can use our coupon code “rc10” to get 10% off your purchases.

AOD 9604 vs Tesofensine

Tesofensine is a peptide similar to AOD 9604, as it increases levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin, which curbs appetite and boosts metabolic rates.

While some researchers may choose either Tesofensine or AOD 9604, many prefer AOD 9604 due to its potentially fewer side effects and FDA status. 

However, they can work together synergistically, especially as Tesofensine is effective in creating a caloric deficit (a state where the body burns more calories than it consumes) making fat loss easier. 

AOD 9604 can complement this by possibly enhancing the effects of Tesofensine.

For example, if your research subject normally consumes 2000 calories a day, taking Tesofensine might reduce their intake to 2011 calories. This puts them in a caloric deficit thanks to Tesofensine’s ability to increase their resting metabolic rate.

In simpler terms, combining both Tesofensine and AOD 9604 can help researchers who want to quickly shed weight.

However, caloric deficits can sometimes lead to both muscle and fat loss. For researchers concerned with preserving muscle mass, this may be a drawback.

Thankfully, AOD 9604’s properties resemble human growth hormone (HGH), which may help preserve lean muscle while both peptides synergistically target fat cells for burning.

Note: Many doctors may also prescribe Phentermine, which is a form of Tesofensine. Phentermine is a legal medication that works by suppressing appetite and boosting energy levels. AOD 9604 can theoretically work with this combination as well.

AOD 9604 and Tesamorelin

While there is no direct information regarding the stacking of Tesamorelin with AOD-9604, researchers may be able to stack both peptides with one another as they have fat metabolism and weight management properties.

As Tesamorelin is a synthetic form of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), it can increase HGH, which can have a stronger effect on weight loss when combined with a peptide that promotes caloric deficits.

HGH can also increase nitrogen balance, which can help retain muscle in a caloric deficit. AOD 9604 also has a synergistic effect with Tesamorelin as it not only helps lose weight but also helps retain muscle through its HGH properties.

Note: An AOD 9604 and Sermorelin stack may theoretically work as well since Sermorelin boosts growth hormone levels, promoting overall metabolism, while AOD-9604 specifically targets fat cells for breakdown.

AOD 9604 and CJC 1295 stack

Like Tesamorelin and Sermorelin, CJC 1295 increases HGH, which has a synergistic effect with AOD regarding fat loss efforts.

Some researchers may opt to use CJC 1295 as it has a significantly longer half-life than Sermorelin and Tesofensine due to its extended duration of action.

Half-life refers to the time it takes for the concentration of a drug in the bloodstream to reduce by half after administration. If a medication has a 4-hour half-life, it means that after 4 hours, the concentration of that medication in the bloodstream will be reduced by half. 

After another 4 hours (a total of 8 hours), the concentration will be reduced by half again, and so on, until the medication is effectively cleared from the body.

Now, CJC can be slightly superior to both Tesamorelin and Sermorelin because these two peptides need to be injected daily; CJC can be injected weekly.

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