AC-262 vs Ostarine: Sarm Battle (Which Sarm is the Best For You!

Research Compound

Ac-262 vs Ostarine

In this article we will dive into

  • What are Sarms
  • Ostarine Benefits and Side Effects
  • AC-262 Benefits and Side Effects
  • My Experience with Both 
  • Final Thoughts on How They Compare and Which Is Better for you!

What are Sarms

Sarms otherwise known as selective androgen receptor modulators have gained tons of popularity in the Enhanced bodybuilding scene. 

Enhanced Bodybuilding referring to bodybuilding with the aid of performance enhancing compounds. 

Before enhanced bodybuilders primarily used anabolic androgenic steroids that was until Sarms came on the scene. 

Due to sarms being selective they offered the potential benefits of steroids with less side effects.

 Selectivity referring to Sarms being able to target more optimal sites like muscle tissue and not hit less optimal sites like say the scalp (which is people lose hair from steroids) 

Of course in the real world Sarms still do have some side effects and in no way are side effect free but they do provide a good alternative for using standard steroids. 

Ostarine Benefits and Side Effects

Ostarine otherwise known as Mk-2866 is one of the most popular and well researched Sarms available on the market. 

It is often referred to as a mild or beginner sarm due to its possessing minimal side effects.  

Ostarine Benefits

Ostarine tends to carry with it many benefits.  It is a highly popular cutting sarm. 

  1. Increase In Muscle Mass: Ostarine is highly effective at helping you build muscle.  It allows you to accrue muscle at a rate faster then if you were to try to build muscle without it. 
  2. Minimal Side Effect Profile: One of the best parts about Ostarine is that the side effects with it are extremely minimal.  While it is not the most powerful muscle builder the fact that it carries with it minimal side effects makes it a great choice. 
  3. Increase In Mood: Many users have noticed that they get an improvement in mood when using ostarine.  This mood boost is similar to what a lot of androgen users get when using something like DBOL.  
  4. Improved Joint Health: Another effect that is great with ostarine is that it has been reported to help people who have joint issues. Many people notice an improvement of their joint health when they use ostarine.
  5. Improved Vascularity: Ostarine users have also noted that when using Ostarine their physiques hardens and they notice more veins which is why Ostarine has become a super popular “cutting sarm”
  6. Tons of Research and User Data: While Ostarine has not been approved for human usage it is still one of the most studied and used Sarms that we have access to. We know it very well and therefore can better predict its effects

Ostarine Side Effects

Ostarine does have a minimal side effect profile, but it definitely has a few side effects.  

It is worth noting that the side effects will vary from person to person so just because you do not have side effects does not mean someone else won’t or will. 

  1. Skewed Lipids: Ostarine will skew your lipids meaning that it will raise your bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower your good cholesterol (HDL) this can be combated by using proper supplements like citrus bergamot and modifying your diet. 
  2. Raised Liver Values: Ostarine has also been known to raise liver values especially in the higher dosing ranges.  Make sure to take around 1-3g of NAC on cycle with your Ostarine to help prevent this side effect from occurring. 
  3. Testosterone Suppression: While the suppression from Ostarine is minimal it definitely still can lower your testosterone levels.  A proper PCT and blood work is essential during your post cycle phase to ensure everything is where it needs to be. 

AC-262 Benefits and Side Effects

AC-262 is similar to Ostarine in that it is a more mild cutting Sarm, but much less researched then Ostarine. 

AC-262 is oftentimes compared to the popular steroid EQ or Equipoise. 

Ac-262 Benefits

  1. Insane Pumps: AC-262 has been notorious for giving some really insane and powerful pumps in the gym. 
  2. Improved Muscle Building: AC-262 has been shown in various user reports to help build muscle at a pretty effective rate.  It seems like the muscle building from AC-262 is a bit superior to the muscle building effects from Ostarine.
  3. Improved Vascularity and Fullness: AC-262 gives some very good cosmetic effects. It is able to help increase vascularity and fullness which can make you look insanely freaky in the gym.  The cosmetic effects of AC-262 tend to be superior to Ostarine. 
  4. Improved Strength: AC-262 has also been noted to be able to help increase strength pretty significantly for users. 

Ac-262 Side Effects

AC-262, while stronger than ostarine tends to carry with it more side effects. Here are a few of the most notable ones

  1. Insomnia: A common side effect that has been reported in users is Insomnia.  Many users struggle to sleep on AC-262
  2. Anxiety: AC-262 has been reported in user data reports to cause some mild anxiety which is another reason why it can lead to some insomnia. 
  3. Skewed Lipids: AC-262 has been shown to raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol  (HDL)
  4. Elevated Liver Values: AC-262 has been shown in clinical studies and in real world studies to raise liver values. 
  5. Testosterone Suppression: AC-262 has been shown to lower and suppress testosterone levels. Although it seems like it is suppressed to a lesser degree when compared to other Sarms. 
  6. Lack of Human Data:  AC-262 has a lack of human data and studies behind it. Unlike Ostarine, AC-262 has extremely minimal data behind it. 

My Experience with Both 

As someone who has used both let me give my opinion on which I like better. 

For me AC-262 was more powerful then ostarine and I got more out of the cycle.  I was fuller, harder, and stronger.  The major but here is that I had much more side effects on AC-262 then I did while on Ostarine. 

While Ostarine made me happy, I could sleep great, and my blood looked great.

Read also about sarms safety

  AC-262 made me anxious, unable to sleep, and my blood work looked slightly worse (although compared to real gear AC-262 was pretty easy to handle in terms of side effects)

At the end of the day while AC-262 was stronger I still enjoyed being on Ostarine more because I had less side effects and still looked great while on it. 

Final Thoughts on How They Compare and Which Is Better for you!

Now to the final part of the article and why you are all here.  Which is superior?

In my opinion if you are someone who is a bit riskier and willing to tolerate more side effects for more gains then AC-262 is for you.  

It is definitely a stronger compound than Ostarine and you will get better cosmetic effects, muscle building, and strength then say Ostarine. 

I will say the side effects of AC-262 are fairly minimal compared to real gear, but do still exist.

If you are someone who wants a nice easy and smooth experience while still looking great then Ostarine is your go to.  

Ostarine is especially perfect for beginners to the  whole world of Sarms and Peds.

At the end of the day just because a compound is stronger does not mean it is better and that is evident here.  

For most people I argue that Ostarine will work just fine and be more enjoyable.  But if you are someone who wants to take the risk and potentially have the increased sides for the increased gains then by all means give Ac-262 a go! 

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