The Ultimate Guide to Mk677 Side Effects and How to Handle Them!

Research Compound

Guide to MK-677

In this article we will dive into 

  • What Mk677 Is
  • How Mk677 Works
  • Mk677 Benefits
  • Common Mk677 Side Effects
  • Important Blood Work Markers to Pay Attention Too
  • How to Handle Mk677 Side Effect

And more!

What is Mk677

Mk-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that helps your body to produce more growth hormone.  Oftentimes it is used as an alternative to standard Growth Hormone as it is not injected and can be taken in a capsule form. 

MK677 has gained tons of popularity within the bodybuilding and biohacking for being able to effectively boost growth hormone levels without an injection.

This alone makes it an extremely powerful and versatile compound that can be used by many people to help in their fitness journeys. 

Of course though mk677 is not without its fair share of side effects.  In fact many users tend to get a lot of bad side effects. 

In this article we will dive Guide to Mk677 and how to properly avoid the many side effect that can potentially come with it.

How Does Mk677 Work in the Body

It is first important to understand how Mk677 works in the body.  MK677 is a ghrelin agonist meaning that it agonizes the ghrelin receptors in the body. 

Ghrelin is the body’s hunger hormone.  It was discovered that when Gherlin is increased so is your growth hormone levels. 

So by activating these ghrelin receptors Mk677 is able to help boost the body’s endogenous production of growth hormone. 

This raise in growth hormone of course can come with some amazing benefits but also some rough side effects

Mk677 Benefits

Mk677 hosts tons of benefits for tons of different people here are a few of the best ones

Improved Muscle Growth

By increasing growth hormone levels in the body Mk677 is able to help improve how fast the body can build muscle.  

Mk677 not only helps the user to build muscle through hypertrophy, but it also promotes hyperplasia in the body and helps it to create new muscle cells. 

Better Strength

Mk677 can help aid in muscle growth, and recovery leading to the user having better strength outcomes.  

Many users note that while on Mk677 their strength tends to increase and go up. 

Better Recovery

Whether it be from the gym or from an injury Mk677 plays a strong role in recovery from all things. 

The uptick in growth hormone will lead to the user gaining better recovery times from their training sessions allowing them to train even more and to train even harder. 

They will also notice that the user will have an easier time with recovering from injuries like a hurt elbow or knee while on mk677.  

Where recovering from something like a knee injury may have taken 6-8 weeks while being on Mk677 that time is cut down significantly.

Anti Aging

When it comes to anti aging having higher levels of growth hormone while of course be beneficial.

You will notice your skin has a nice glow to it and that your hair and nails are growing faster and are stronger and more dense. 

Improved Sleep

Mk677 can also for some users greatly improve sleep leading to them having some crazy dreams, and some amazing nights of rest. 

Typically by raising growth hormone levels in the body one can expect to have better quality of sleep. 

Mk677 Side Effects

Now for the part you are all waiting for side effects on mk677

Mk677 comes with a few major side effects that we will address below but do not worry as in the below section we will talk all about how to handle these side effects.

High Blood Glucose

Mk677 tends to raise blood glucose and raise blood glucose alot.  It can raise it in some cases even more than regular GH. 

This increase in blood glucose can lead to things like an increase in fat loss, and can be extremely hard on your health, especially your metabolic health. 

If this issue goes uncontrolled for too long it could even lead to diabetes. 


Many people get very tired while on Mk677.  When using this compound it is advised to use it fasted in the morning, but if you suffer from lethargy you should be dosing this before bed.

This is a very common side effect associated with raising growth hormone in the body. 


Mk677 is notorious for causing the user to hold onto more water.  Not only can an increase in water retention cause the user to appear more bloated and watery which ruins their facial aesthetic but it can also be super bad for your health. 

People who hold onto more water tend to have higher blood pressure, and more cardiac based issues which is why it is essential to keep your water retention under control while using Mk677.  

Not only for your facial aesthetics, but also for your cardiac health. 

High Prolactin

MK677 can also raise prolactin levels.  Of course this is common with any compound that raises growth hormone levels as when growth hormone increases so does your prolactin. 

When prolactin gets too high users can expect worse mood, erections and sexual performance, and other very unwanted side effects. 

High prolactin can also lead to the user developing gyno. 


For some people hunger is not a worrisome side effect with mk677 but for others it is a massive problem especially when it comes to staying on track with diet.  

This is commonly why Mk677 is not recommended to be used during cutting phases as it can make sticking to a diet incredibly hard. 

For some of course this is actually a positive as they struggle to eat enough when in bulking phases.

Mood Issues

Due to mk677 raising sympathetic drive in the body many people can struggle with being too sympathetic.  This can lead to the user becoming more anxious or worsening their mood. 

When your hunger hormone is raised it puts you in a fight or flight situation that can lead to that sympathetic state.  

Bloodwork to Pull While on Mk677

A common question is what are important blood markers to look at when on Mk677.  Here are a few important ones that I find essential to test and check. These are not all of the markers but the most important ones!

  1. Blood Pressure
  2. Blood Glucose
  3. HBA1C
  4. Prolactin 
  5. Estrogen
  6. Thyroid (TSH, T3, T4)
  7. Liver Values 
  8. Cortisol
  9. Testosterone (Free and Total)

How to Handle Mk677 Side Effects

Now let’s jump into how to handle these many side effects that can come with Mk677.  Now remember most people will not get every side effect, but being safe is better than being sorry and most of these ancillaries are very cheap. 

I recommend having them on hand just to be safe. 

It also goes without saying that your doing of mk677 must be optima.  Do not go too high on the dosing too early.

I would recommend starting Mk677 at 10mg EOD as a basic starting dosing. From there of course you can raise it or modify it. 

Ancillary #1 Berberine for Blood Glucose

Berberine is one of the most powerful ancillaries that can be used for correcting your blood glucose levels. 

Berberine should be taken multiple times per day with each meal. 

Berberine is also the key ingredient in many products referred to as GDAs aka Glucose Disposal Agents. 

These Glucose Disposal Agents often feature berberine with other ingredients like chromium that can also help in correcting blood glucose levels.

When using these you can expect better blood glucose levels, better health, better fat loss, and better muscle building.

Read also about Hexarelin

Ancillary #2 Dandelion Root for Bloating

Now there are a few things that can be done for bloating, but dandelion root is one of the best natural diuretics for keeping water retention off. 

Here are a few other key things that should be done for keeping water off. 

  1. Staying properly hydrated
  2. Keeping a proper water to electrolyte balance 
  3. Sauna for 15-20 minutes after the gym.

Ancillary #3 P5P for Prolactin

P5P is a concentrated form of the vitamin B6.  B6 can do an effective job at helping to lower prolactin levels in a safe and natural way. 

 When correcting your prolactin levels you can expect to have better mood, better erections, and less water retention. 

It can also help to alleviate gyno based symptoms when prolactin is high.

Ancillary #4 Nootropics for Mood Issues and Lethargy

 Finally another common side effect that users face is mood issues and lethargy. 

If you are feeling overly stressed out on Mk677 or too sympathetic then I recommend using one of the following nootropics.

  1. Kanna
  2. L-theanine
  3. CBD
  4. Magnesium
  5. Gaba
  6. 5-HTP

If you are feeling tired and lethargic from using Mk677 then I recommend using these following supplements. 

  1. Caffeine
  2. Dynamine
  3. Theacrine
  4. Yohimbine
  5. Alpha GPC


In conclusion compounds like Mk677 tend to come with some amazing benefits, but to say that they have no side effects would be irresponsible and untrue.

This though does not mean that we should fear compounds that have side effects but that we should instead learn all that we can about them and understand them so that we can learn how to handle these side effects.

By learning what blood markers to look at, what tests to do, and what ancillaries to use we can greatly improve how effective and how healthy our cycles are.

Works Cited

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