How to Look Young Again with Peptides! (Best Peptides for Anti Aging and Skin Health!)

Research Compound

Peptides For Skin

In this article we will go into 

  • The Best Peptides for Skin 
  • How Peptides Can Benefit Your Skin 
  • How Peptides Can Make You Look Young Again 
  • Other tips and products for your skin health. 

Why Does the Skin Look Worse As We Age?

One of the biggest things that happen to us as we age is that our skin tends to look worse over time.  The vibrant glow we once had in our youth disappears and is replaced with wrinkles and a more dull texture. 

Things like decreased collagen production and reduced elastin all contribute greatly to this process. 

When these elastin fibers break the skin tends to sag, stretch, and then lose its ability to go back to normal again after stretching out. 

Even excessive sun exposure can make your skin look dull and poor once you age. 

Luckily though with the evolution of peptides and other therapies we can turn back the clock on our skin and look young again. 

Even though if you are young things like acne scars or scars in general can be a nuisance to get rid of and lead to you not having the skin that you want. 

In this article we will dive all into how peptide therapies can help heal the skin and make us look younger again.

How Peptides For Skin Can Make You Look Young Again

In come peptides. Many peptide therapies can help to turn back the clock on your aging through numerous ways.  

Peptides have the ability to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin.  These tend to help speed up processes like collagen production, wound healing, and better blood flow which all allow for better results with your anti aging. 

They also tend to carry with them the ability to reduce inflammation and increase antioxidant activity which are both crucial for helping your skin to heal and recover. 

Peptides are able to promote processes like enhanced skin barrier function and reducing hyperpigmentation which are extremely important at getting your skin back to where it should be. 

The Best Peptides for Your Skin and Anti Aging

In this next section we will dive into a few of my favorite options peptides for skin health that come from the peptide world.  If I was to go into all of them this article could easily become 100 plus pages long, but I will touch on a few of the best ones. 


BPC-157 is able to help heal the skin in many different ways.  Notorious for its ability to heal the body from the inside out, BPC-157 has been a highly popular peptide in the last few years. 

BPC-157 is able to heal the skin in a few major ways. The first being through stimulating Angiogenesis. BPC-157 can enhance this process which is the creation of new blood vessels which can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to the damaged skin.

BPC-157 is also highly effective at improving collagen production through its stimulation of fibroblasts. 

BPC-157 exerts strong anti inflammatory which is of course beneficial in calming the skin.


MK677 is able to stimulate growth hormone and IGF-1 in the body.  Many people actually tend to notice this side effect when taking it.

With the increased levels of GH and IGF-1 you can expect a few powerful benefits such as. 

  1. Increased Collagen Production.  GH and IGF-1 play an essential role at increasing and maintaining proper synthesis of collagen which can lead to better skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. 
  1. Improved Skin Hydration: Mk-677 helps to retain skin moisture by increased natural moisturizing factors.
  1. Enhanced Skin Repair: Growth hormones can help speed up the body’s ability to help heal itself. 


GHK-Cu is probably the king peptide for your skin health and wellness. 

It is a powerful copper peptide that can help do the following things in the body.

Improve Wound Healing: GHK-CU is able to stimulate migration of keratinocytes and fibroblasts to the site of injury. 

Increased Collagen and Elastin Production: GHK-cu promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin which are both essential in maintaining skin structure and elasticity. 

Skin Remodeling: GHK-Cu promotes the breakdown of damaged proteins and extracellular matrix components which allows for the regeneration of healthier skin tissue. 

GHK-CU also features powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which are crucial for maintaining proper skin health and youthfulness.


KPV is one of the least known peptides but extremely powerful.

KPV carries with it the same wound healing abilities and anti-inflammatory actions of GHK-cu and BPC-157 but also has some unique properties that it can offer.  

KPV carries with it Antimicrobial action which means that it can help with bacterial infections.  This makes it highly useful in helping treat acne and other skin issues.

It is also able to help improve skin barrier Enhancement: KPV helps to strengthen the skin barrier, which prevents transepidermal water loss and can help maintain skin hydration and integrity 

My Experience with Peptides and Skin Health

As someone who has struggled with acne my whole life I turned to peptides to help heal my skin.  After having acne I had lots of issues with things like acne scars and other skin issues.

My stack of peptides I took was


I typically would apply these twice per day morning and night after washing my face. 

What I noticed was that after around 2-3 months my skin quality improved alot.  My skin was even glowing.

Previously acne scars that I thought were impossible to get rid of seemed to get much better and improve drastically. 

I also noticed that the coloration of my skin was much more even and vibrant. My skin seemed more “alive” in a sense.  It is worth mentioning that my diet was very good during this time and I made sure to sleep alot, but even with those locked in I noticed some amazing improvements. 

Do be aware though that while these do help with skin quality if you have acne you may need products specifically for acne like tretinoin or isotretinoin. 

read also about Injectable vs Oral Sarms

User Experiences with Peptides and Skin Health

User Experiences pulled from the online forum Reddit

Peptide Skin Care Q&A

Q: When Should I use these peptides?

A: Morning or night after washing your face

Q: Can these cause skin irritation?

A: It is always good to patch test before using them.

Q: Does MK-677 have side effects

A: Yes mk-677 carries with it side effects, if using purely for skin health please familiarize yourself with the side effect profile as it will modulate hormones. 

Q: Should I still moisturize when using these?

A: Yes I always pair with a good moisturizer

Q: Can I take these with my acne medication from my doctor?

A: Most of the time yes, but check with your dermatologist first.  


In conclusion the quest to revitalize your skin and give you your youth back is one that is in its early phases, but with the development of peptides and peptide therapies the opportunity to help fix your skin has never been better.

By implementing peptides like mk677, BPC-157, GHK-Cu, and KPV you can greatly improve your skin quality and health and look younger again. 

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